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3D Printable Light Curing Composite for Temporary Crown & Bridge

Product Information

Temp PRINT is a biocompatible Class II material for temporary crowns and bridges, free of methyl methacrylate (MMA). It is designed to use for DLP-based 3D printing, has outstanding mechanical properties and remains stable, even after long-term storage.

Why choose Temp PRINT?

Unique filler technology

The homogeneous dispersion of surface coated silica fillers contribute to a superior wear resistance. Temp PRINT temporary restorations resist the abrasion in the oral environment easily, making this product ideal for long-term provisional crown and bridges

Dynamic Controlled Rheology (DCR)

Thanks to the anti-sedimentation additives in Temp PRINT, handshaking is sufficient to obtain a homogeneous dispersion, even after long-term storage. These anti-sedimentation additives form a shell around the pigments and silica-fillers, preventing them to precipitate. This ensures the highest precision and material stability of Temp PRINT



Temp PRINT is ideal to print temporary crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers and can easily be glazed and/or characterized with OPTIGLAZE colour
